Evening Moth Hunt, Tuesday 6 August

On Tuesday evening 6 August our ecologists, Matt Jones and David Holland, set up a moth trap on the top field to survey some of the beautiful moths that live in the nature reserve.  In total a dozen people. adults and a child, attended.

Andrew Weighill describes a ‘magical’ evening: “It was a lovely way to spend an evening, watching the sun go down, the stars come out and no moon, chatting and seeing the moths.  Magical! 

Thank you to David and Matt for arranging the event and for sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm.”

David adds:
“Matt and I finally packed up sometime after midnight. The best action was in the last hour.  In total 11 different species of moths were recorded”.

Some of the lovely moths seen included the Dun-Bar, Ruby Tiger, Flame Shoulder and Campion.  (Don’t they have fabulous names?)

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