A Wildflower Walk

A pleasant evening for a walk with Matthew Jones our expert Ecologist, and hear about the wonderful world of plants.

14 attentive walkers joined Matt on his walk around the different habitats that make up Childwall Woods and Fields.

Beginning in the woods they looked at the Artichoke Galls on the large Yew tree, formed by a fly whose pupa is inside the gall.

Matt showed us a range of wildflowers and told us interesting facts about them.

Did you know that teasle plants are carniverous? They collect water where their leaves meet tthe stem  and flies and other small invertebrates become trapped in the pools, eventually becoming nutrients for the plant as they break down.

Did you know that Yellow rattle was a parasite on grass and was planted to reduce grass growth.

The group was guided throughout the site hearing about interesting plants in the different habitats.

Finishing at the latest habitat to be added to the site where Matt told us about the botanic pond life.

Everyone was amazed by the expertize demonstrated by Matt and we all left feeling we had a greater appreciation of the wild flowers and grasses that appear and look so beautiful on our site each year.

Thanks to Matt.

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