The carriageway has been scraped and all the leaf debris from decades has been piled and landscaped into a curved slope looking like it has been there since the time the carriageway was built. Still a little bare, it was agreed that it needed planting and seeding to naturalise it.
Although mighty cold, the sun shone down on us and a band of 12 volunteers set to work to get the area looking as beautiful as the rest of the woods and fields.
Grass seed was bought along to help consolidate and compact the mound, and a few foxgloves were sourced to add colour.
The volunteers wasted no time in clearing the leaves and loosening the soil ready for the sowing and planting.

We must get some smaller hi-viz jackets…
Holes were dug for the larger plants.
You’re never too young to volunteer with FCWF.

Cold doesn’t stop this lot.
Notice the groups of foxgloves waiting for spring.
That’s all done. It must be scone time.
Thanks to our hardy group of volunteers of all ages for working so hard on such a cold day, and a big thank you to Jeanette McCombs for the most welcome hot drinks and homemade scones ( with jam and cream), as usual on our maintenance and conservation events.
If you would like to join us in the New Year, keep an eye on the Upcoming Events page. Members and non-members are most welcome.
Committee Present
John McCombs – Chair
David Howatson – Treasurer
Brenda Cameron – Secretary (Photographer and author)
Foxgloves donated by Andrew Weighill – Secretary
Grass seed donated by Ian Headey – Volunteer Leader.