Tree Planting

Volunteer Event March 20th 2022


The aim of our volunteers on this bright sunny Sunday was to plant numerous ‘whips’ along the main paths and in the woods and Forty Fabulous Foresters turned up to help with the task.

Kevin from Earthworks Liverpool explained the plan for the day, where to plant and why.

Thank you Kevin for your imparting of wisdom.

There were over 100 whips to be planted and everyone got busy.

You may notice the whips that were planted on either side of the path from the Countisbury Drive gate towards Woolton Road. They are very small and vulnerable and include oak, hazel and mountain ash (rowan).

These will provide food for birds and squirrels for years to come and a green understory for us all to enjoy.

No one is too small to help

Thank you to all of the volunteers who turned up.  What a great turnout. You all did a wonderful job.

And thank you Jeanette for the scones and jam!!!

Committee Members Present

Ian Headey – Event Lead

John McCombs – Chair

Pam Leadbeater – Vice-Chair

Andrew Weighill – Secretary

David Howatson – Treasurer

Photographs by Pam and John

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