(P. Leadbeater)
An absolutely fantastic turnout of 20 volunteers on Sunday to plant baby plug plants in the South Wood (that’s the area between the paths leading to Woolton Road and Quickswood Road).

(Ian Heady)
About 600 plugs (a generous over-supply from Adam at LWT) including Foxglove, Primula and Red Campion were dug in and watered.

(Pam Leadbeater)

(Ian Heady)
If you weren’t there you missed a beautiful social event.

(John McCombs)
And you missed the Coffee and Scones too – thank you Jeanette.
If you are passing that way this week, look out for them – they need a
bottle of water on them as you pass.
Thank you all
Committee present
Ian Heady – Event Leader – Author
John McCombs – Chair
Pam Leadbeater – Vice-Chair
Andrew Weighill – Membership Secretary
David Howatson – Treasurer
Brenda Cameron – Secretary