Overgrown unpassable paths on Childwall Fields before work began.

Unpassable and unpleasant.

No evidence of the path that was once there.
Sunday 21/7/2019. Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields and South Childwall Residents Association undertook path clearance removing brambles and overgrowth preventing access to the lower paths close to Childwall Lane. Eleven volunteers spent a few hours persuading and encouraging nature to be more sympathetic to our custodianship.

Not Beautiful but passable after 2 hours work.

Not just the small tracks but the large paths were trimmed and tamed.
The persuasion took much effort.
Much more remains to be done and further volunteer days will be arranged.
Well done to all who took part. The public will be pleased that they will at least be able to find the paths again
Author: John McCombs – Chair, Friends of Childwall Woods and Fields.
John McCombs Chair
Brenda Cameron Secretary
Colin Cameron Maintenance Team
Andrew Weighill Secretary
David Howatson Treasurer
Leo Sarsam Maintenance Team
Maureen Evans Maintenance Team
Pam Leadbeater Vice Chair
Geoff Titchmarsh Maintenance Team
Paula Jones Maintenance Team
Geoff Bird Maintenance Team